One year having two semesters. Each semester consists of 90 working days excluding the semester examination days. These 90 days are divided into 15 weeks, each week consisting of 6 days with the day order system namely I,II, II, IV, V,VI
Classes are conducted between 9.45 AM and 3.15 PM with a lunch break hour (12.15 PM to 1.00 PM).
The first bell for classes will ring five minutes before the commencement of the class and the second bell at the hour fixed for the commencement of the class. A bell willring at the end of each hour. Along bell will be given at the end of each session. Students are expected to be in their seats in the class room before the second bellrings so as to enablected to bessor to begin the class immediately after the second bell
If the Professor assigned for the class has not come to the class, the class representative should contact the concerned Head of the Department for alternate arrangement. The students should not leave the class on their own.
No student is allowed to leave the classroom during the class hours.
No student is permitted to leave the campus during the working hours without written permission from the Principal